Wikipedia lists options for programming the LEGO Mindstorms robots (more NXT than eV3 due to the former’s longer market presence) using virtually every mainstream programming language and quite a few non-mainstream programming languages.Īlthough FIRST LEGO League rules prohibit teams from using any programming language besides the official software, I thought it would be interesting and possibly more efficient to use a text-based language to test and characterize sensor and actuator components. I was looking into what alternative programming languages were available to program the eV3 Mindstorms brick.

Finally, the visual programming environment suffers from a lack of editing and debugging tools that are powerful, fast and efficient to use. Programming takes a much longer time with the visual interface, especially as program size and complexity grows. It is far less expressive, scalable, and robust than a low level language like C/C++.

#Robotc commands list software
The visual eV3 Mindstorms software is perhaps easier for young children and first time programmers to use, but it quickly becomes frustrating for more advanced programmers for a variety of reasons. It is a visual language with drag and drop icons representing various programming entities like logic flow, mathematical operations, data structures, sensor readings and actuator commands. The LEGO Retail and Education versions of the eV3 Mindstorms software is based upon LabView.